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“Beef Issue Needs Scientific Approach”: KAIST Chief

Posted May. 10, 2008 03:01,   


“It’s scientists, physicians and veterinarians who can tell the risks of mad cow disease. It’s not desirable for politicians to take the matter into their own hands.”

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) President Seo Nam-pyo expressed his opinion Friday regarding the escalating controversy over the safety of U.S. beef and related mad cow scares.

While giving a special lecture on leadership at Baekyang Hall at Yonsei University, Seo said, “If the issue of mad cow disease is approached emotionally and scientific and medical facts are disregarded, there will be no social progress.”

“A thorough understanding of the facts and identification of the problem should come first before any dispute. Otherwise, it will only cause misunderstanding,” he pointed out.

“A temporary committee consisting of experts should be set up to conduct a thorough study on mad cow disease. If the committee concludes there is a problem, then we should deal with it. If it finds there is nothing wrong, then that’s it. It will inform the public of the result and conclude the study,” Seo said during a telephone interview with a Dong-A reporter after the lecture.

mhjee@donga.com neo@donga.com