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Issues Surrounding Lee Hoi-chang

Posted November. 08, 2007 03:03,   


As former Grand National Party chief Lee Hoi-chang was announcing his candidacy yesterday, he emphasized that he would uphold rules and principles. This was the same pledge he made when he ran for president in 1997 and 2002. He said, “A leader should be honest and abide by rules and principles to win trust, and gather the strength of the Korean people.” He added, targeting Lee Myung-bak, “In this regard, the public is anxious about the GNP’s presidential candidate.”

Commenting on those critical of him, saying that he broke his promise of resigning from politics and presidential aspirations for good, he said, “I am in an extremely distressed and in a wretched state. I extend my sincere apologies and ask for forgiveness for not keeping my word. I am humbled as I am not honoring my personal beliefs and values.” However, he quickly added, “I am going to initiate wholesale reform measures as the president to lay the foundation for a national framework that will last at least five decades. I will revolutionize the legal system and put the nation back in order.”

A senior member of the GNP in response said, “He broke his promise of retiring and not running for president, and abandoned his chance of running for the presidency by disregarding the GNP primary. He is crying out that he is not qualified to be president.”

The party official added, “Winning by engaging in foul play will not enable him to deliver on any of his promises. No one will listen to him even though he tries to uphold the rule of law.”

Former GNP chief Lee said regarding former president Kim Dae-jung who ran for president after his announcement to retire from politics in 1997, and Lee In-je, who disobeyed his party’s rules to run for president, that Lee himself would “never break promises that he makes” and that “it is a disservice to democracy,” respectively.

What is more important, the economy or taking over the government?-

Lee said, “I do not agree with the perception that as long as the government is exerting efforts to make the nation more prosperous, any means are justified. Some say economic recovery is all that matters, but a shaky foundation will not turn the economy around.” is a euphemism to criticize Lee Myung-bak’s self-proclaiming “economy president” and his slogan, “Be successful!”

He also said, “There are some people who think the nation will be put back on the right path as long as the incumbent administration is changed. This notion gave me the firm belief that I should run for president in order to take over the current administration and make changes for the better.” This does not sit well with what he has been done, including announcing to withdraw from politics and changing his mind about his candidacy to overtake the current administration.

Lee does not trust Lee Myung-bak as a viable candidate even though he has more than 50% approval ratings-

“I hoped dearly that the GNP candidate would meet the expectations of the public in changing the incumbent government, but I gave up my hopes after seeing the GNP primary and developments afterward,” said the former GNP chief. He thinks that Koreans are concerned about the former Seoul mayor’s integrity and whether he will abide by rules and regulations.

One of the GNP candidate’s aides said, “Lee Hoi-chang is trying to justify his greed for the presidency by saying that he has misgivings about a would-be president (Lee Myung-bak), even though there is a candidate who is enjoying more than a 50% approval rating. He is trying to slander the former Seoul mayor just like others are doing.”

Is the illegal election fund controversy over?-

Lee also commented on the illegal election fund scandal in 2002, saying, “I voluntarily went before prosecutors and said I am responsible for everything. There is nothing more to it.”

A GNP official said, however, “All Lee said at the prosecutors’ office is that he had no knowledge about how illegal funds were raised and where they were spent, but he knows more than anyone else how and where those funds and the remainder were spent.”

Former GNP leader Lee said to GNP legislators as he defected from the party yesterday, “I hope our paths cross again in the future.” Regarding his remark, some criticized that it was an attempt to mobilize those who are not happy about their party.
