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Japan Spy Satellites Will Target Korea

Posted May. 02, 2006 03:00,   


The Japanese government announced that it will launch additional data-collecting satellites aimed at watching the Korean peninsula in July. On May 1, the daily Yomiuri reported that the Japanese government will launch an optimal satellite in July and a radar satellite around next January or February.

The data-collecting satellite system consists of an optimal satellite and a radar satellite.

Japan launched the first set of satellites in March, 2003. In the same year, a rocket laden with the second set of two satellites was launched in November. But the rocket derailed and the two satellites were lost at once.

To disperse risk, they will launch an optimal satellite and a radar satellite separately this time. If the second set is added to the power of the first, Japan can scan every point in the world once a day.

Kwang-Am Cheon iam@donga.com