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Guaranteeing Security of North Korea Within the Multilateral Frame

Guaranteeing Security of North Korea Within the Multilateral Frame

Posted October. 20, 2003 22:37,   


President Roh Moo-hyun, visiting Bangkok to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting, held a summit meeting on October 20 at the Hyatt Hotel in Bangkok. President Roh decided to examine a plan: the five nations taking part in the six-way talks- Korea, the U.S., China, Japan, and Russia – to guarantee the security of North Korea (NK) in written form.

President Bush communicated his plan to President Roh and suggested to confer the details of the plan with the five nations to guarantee the security of NK.

President Bush said that he would not argue about North Korea’s complete abandonment of nuclear. Under the assumption of NK showing progress on abolishment of nuclear, Bush said he could furnish security assurances to NK within the multilateral frame. This remark hinted that Bush might carry out the two problems - NK’s abolishment of nuclear and a guarantee of security - side by side.

In connection with President Bush’s description, the national security adviser Ra Jong-yil, who sat with President Roh, conveyed that President Roh “did not make any reference specially, but has consented to it.”

The U.S.’s embodying plan for the security guaranteed to NK was informed that the five nations among the six-way talks have furnished the joint security guaranteed to NK in written form including a statement. The plan is not a “treaty,” which is ratified by the U.S. congress.

This is the first time that President Bush expressed his offering of security guaranteed to NK as a specific proviso of the joint announcement of summits. This suggests that the U.S. government, which has adhered “NK’s prior abolishment of nuclear,” will switchover its policy to NK. Therefore, it is quite noteworthy whether NK, which has rejected the security guarantee within the multilateral frame and claimed the treaty of nonaggression with the U.S., accepts it or not.

Through the joint announcement, President Bush repeatedly clarified, “The U.S. does not intend to invade NK, and I expect NK will abolish its design of developing nuclear weapons.”

In relation to the six-way talks, the two summits evaluated that “It is important that the six-way talks attain its goals: perfect inspection of NK’s nuclear program and eliminating it as not to be irrevocably.” They agreed that the second six-way talks should be held in advance and that it is desirable to make concrete progress.

The two summits urged NK to respond aggressively to the diplomatic effort of the six-way talks participating nations to control themselves and not to make the situation worse.

Meantime, in connection with sending additional troops to Iraq, President Roh said, “I will decide the features, formation, scale, and time of sending additional troops by collecting the public’s opinion continuously and by examining the Iraq survey team’s result and the characteristics and abilities of our troops.” President Bush thanked Roh for sending additional troops.

In relation to the redeployment of U.S. troops stationed in South Korea, the two summits are of the same opinion that “Propel it prudently, considering the security problems of the Korean peninsula.”

Jeong-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com