The Grand National Party is to hold its convention on June 26. It transpired that 77% of its 227,400 Electoral College consists of those in their 40s or more. What is indicated in this structure is the fact that the party is too old to accommodate the new era and new demands. When the foundation of a political party is "old" like this, it is hard to catch up with ever-changing social trends. Voters in their 20s and 30s constitute 48.3% of ballots cast in the last presidential election. Considering these facts, no wonder the party lost the election.
The young generation despises and avoids political issues and politics itself. In this respect, the aging phenomenon does not happen to the Grand National Party only. But, the party should refrain from finding solace in the factthe degree is too severe for the party. Only 23% of its party members are in 20s and 30s. If a political party has limited support groups and supporters are also limited geographically and socio-structurally, the party is likely to be exposed to limited and biased opinions. In the process, the party loses diversity and deters intra-party change and reformation. Consequently, the party becomes more and more conservative and biased, distancing itself from the young.
The Grand National Party has to understand the reasons for its aging. First, it has not made any substantial efforts to advance itself, sticking to old paths. It has depended on regional supporters too much. Secondly, despite its defeat in the last presidential election, it failed to fundamentally change its nature. It has been busy simply defending what it has already had. Third, it has not put into practice all the reform talk that sprung up after the presidential election. In the process, it has put a wedge deeper and deeper between its young supporters and itself.
The primary for the party starts in earnest from today. Each candidate chants for reform and change. But just talking alone would not get the party anywhere. To earn the trust of the public, they have to proffer a feasible vision, and demonstrate their will to realize this vision.
Without getting out of its aging process, it cannot even dream about winning the support of the public and, eventually, the election.