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“Isolate Iraq with the Dollar Aggression in the Middle Eastern Countries”

“Isolate Iraq with the Dollar Aggression in the Middle Eastern Countries”

Posted February. 24, 2003 22:39,   


The country, which the United States is executing the most concentrated dollar aggression, is Turkey. It is due to Turkey, located near the northern boundaries of Iraq, being the departure base for the United States Land Armed Forces in case of the United States finalizing the Iraq War after gaining the winning change by the air raids.

It has been known that the United States is suggesting an astronomical figure of 30 billion dollars of support to Turkey. Six billion dollars are for the public service without any compensation in return and the other 24 billion dollars are for the long-term commercial loan for the damage and preservation after Turkey providing a base to the United States Armed Forces.

The dollars thrown into the other Middle Eastern countries have been increasing rapidly. To Jordan, which has the boundaries side by side with Iraq, the Untied States already has provided the half of this year`s portion of its economical aid of 250 million dollars. At the end of the last month, six F-16 fighting planes have been given to Jordan and moreover, 3 sets of the Patriot Missile have been scheduled to be provided additionally.

Annually, the United States has been providing 2 billion dollars to Egypt, the leader of the Arab countries, and 3 billion dollars to Israel. To Yemen, the United States has made a promise of reestablishing the United States Agency for International Development, which has been closed in 1998.

If the dollar aggression in the Middle East has been focused on the military purpose, it is of the propaganda offense in the Central and the Eastern Europe. The purpose is to lead the diplomatic environment advantageously in Europe, in which the anti-war voices from France and Germany have heightened.

Poland, the largest country of the Central and the Eastern Europe, has formed a sale contract of F-16 under an exceptional condition. The United States is planning to invest 6 billion dollars, that is way over the originally contracted amount of 3.5 billion dollars, in the high technology field.

To the other countries of the Middle and the Eastern European countries, the Untied States is suggesting the possibilities of the enrollment of the North Atlantic Trade Organization as well as qualified countries for the relocation of the United States Armed Force in Germany who has been on the wrong side of the United States regarding the Iraq War. This kind of background lies beneath the 13 continuous declaration of the support on the Iraq War from the Central and the Eastern Europe such as Poland and Czech.

Jei-Gyoon Park phark@donga.com