It is revealed that most Americans want the US Government to take time and find a peaceful solution for the Iraqi problem than quick military actions.
According to the survey result announced by the weekly newsmagazine News Week on the 18th, 60% of the respondents said, the Bush Administration must take more time and find a solution, and only 35% wanted quick military actions.
If America got full support from the allies and the UN Security Council, as many as 81% of the respondents said they supported military actions, but if America did not get support from the UN Security Council and get support from only 1 or 2 allies, the support rate dropped to 39%.
And the support rate of the President George W. Bush`s execution of his duty was 56%, so it dropped significantly from 60% in last November. The support rate for few months after the 9.11 Terror was as much as 88%.
In the survey conducted by the CNN in association with the USA Today and Gallop, the support rate of execution of his duty was dropped below 60% to 58% for the first time since the 9.11 Terror. The surveys by the Newsweek and the CNN were done with 1,000 adults each from all over America.
In the mean time, more than a half of the senior citizens older than 70, who experienced the World War II including Japan`s bombing of the Pearl Harbor, were found to worry about war against Iraq. As a result of a telephone survey done with 1305 people during December 12~15 of last year, 54% of respondents older than 70 answered to object the war. Respondents who supported were only 35%. On the other hand, 58% of all respondents without considering age, sex, race, religion, and education found to support the war.