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Rep. Chong`s Allegation of NIS`s Wiretapping Proved Fact

Rep. Chong`s Allegation of NIS`s Wiretapping Proved Fact

Posted October. 25, 2002 23:08,   


A testimony has come out, supporting the allegation of Grand National Party`s Rep. Chong Hyung-keun. Rep. Chong has argued that the National Intelligence Service has conducted illegal wiretapping.

One journalist testified on Oct. 25th, "In early March of this year, I did a telephone interview with a GNP member. I asked him what political path he would take. Later, however, I heard that my phone interview was wiretapped. So, I checked it out with the tapping logs [Rep. Chong now has]. The result was surprising: they really eavesdropped me."

The journalist said, however, "I don`t recall whether I used the land line or my cellular phone, doing the interview."

The GNP member in question also confirmed, "At that time, our party members were discussing how we should react when our request for the collective leadership was not accepted. I think I talked about the same thing with reporters over the phone."

At the meeting of GNP members, Rep. Chong contended, "President`s Chief of Staff Park Ji-won once talked, over the phone, with Yoshida Dakeshi, a Japanese CEO who worked as a secret presidential envoy of President Kim to North Korea. I got to obtain documents detailing his phone conversation of Part with Yoshida. When I told Park that I would disclose the documents, he sent me his aids four times and asked me not to disclose the documents."

Park, on the other hand, snapped and said, "It`s a whole bunch of baloney!"

Rep. Chong also said in a press conference, "I now have evidence showing that my conversation with a reporter was wiretapped. When the time comes, I will also disclose it."

Previously on Oct. 24th, Rep. Chong also said, "The National Intelligence Service has wiretapped not only politicians, but also all the important figures of various walk of life, including journalists. I have hard evidence proving what I have argued so far."

So far, based on the wiretapping records, Rep. Chong has popped up various allegations including the alleged $400 million secret aid to North. Rep. Chong has asserted that the head of the Financial Supervisory Service, Lee Keun-young and Lee Kwi-nam, a high-ranking prosecutor conspired to downsize the investigation of the secret aid. But the two Lees denied the conspiracy.

Lee Kyu-taek, the floor whip of the Grand National Party, said, "Our party got to come by wiretapping records reaching more than 1,000 pages. But, for now, it is hard to disclose them."

Sung-Won Park Min-Hyuk Park swpark@donga.com mhpark@donga.com