Posted October. 04, 2002 23:10,
China produces new records in weight lifting and shooting every day.
At 4th, China produced world records in women team competition of pistol shooting for
25 meters, and in weight lifting of pulling up for 77 kilograms.
Chinese Taoluna, Chening and Liduihong gained gold medal by marking 1,768 points for team competition of shooting for 25 meters, and broke the world record by Bulgaria with 1,764 points.
So China produced new world records since men and women team competition of air gun shooting consecutively. Un to now, China produced 3 new world records in the game.
Taoluna gained gold medals for air pistol of individual and team competition in the previous day and gained gold medal for pistol team competition of 25 meters at that day again. So she becomes triple gold medallist. She will participate in 25 meters pistol and challenge for quadruple gold medallist.
Chinese Lihongri (27) marked world records for weight lifting of 77kilogram pulling up with Kazakhstan Philimonof (27).
The two players lifted 173 kilogram in the third trials for men weight lifting of 77 kilogram pulling up and broke Bulgarian Jeliazkof world record (172.5 kilogram) in March of this year. So China produced 3 world records in weight lifting: men of 62kilogram for clean and jerk by Remaosien and women of 63kilogram for clean and jerk by Liusha.