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SK To Revise the Rule of Engagement... NK Urges Removal of NLL

SK To Revise the Rule of Engagement... NK Urges Removal of NLL

Posted June. 30, 2002 22:28,   


Lim Sung-jun, presidential secretary for foreign affairs and national security, who has accompanies President Kim Dae-jung said on the 30th, "It is premature to draw a conclusion on the future direction of the overall relations between South and North Korea."

Lim made this remark at a press conference at the New Otani Hotel in Tokyo, Japan, where he is staying. He also said, "The government has yet to set its position on humanitarian aide toward the North including rice and fertilizer. Further coordination is needed in the government."

He added, "The military should step up its security and if necessary, revise its rule of engagement to prevent this incident from happening again. The government will make a decision after the military consultation."

Regarding on the dispatch of a US envoy to North Korea, he answered that it is desirable for the US to send an envoy to the North as planned, and that the US would do just that.

In the meantime, North Korea sent a telephone message on the 30th to the Military Armistice Commission (MAC) on the United Nations Command. In the message, North Korea said, "If South Korea does not remove the Northern Limit Line (NLL), it would not come to the negotiating table.

"The naval battle in the West Sea was attributed to the NLL, unilaterally drawn by South Korea, which is not related to the Armistice Agreement." North Korea also said, "If the South wants dialogue, it should remove the NLL. The South should give up the NLL, a main reason behind the conflict."

Right after the naval engagement between the two Korea, the United Nations Command sent a telephone message and proposed a meeting of military generals.
