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Opposition, Requests Extension of Special Prosecuting Period

Opposition, Requests Extension of Special Prosecuting Period

Posted March. 02, 2002 10:29,   


Nam Gyeong Pil, spokesperson of Grand National Party, resisted in a statement on the first saying, “special public prosecutor (SPP) for `Lee Yong Ho Gate` has achieved brilliant success in short term, however, the distance to cover is still far and tough”and “if SPP is to dig the roots of `Lee Y.H Gate`, term for investigation which expired on 25th, should be extended sufficiently, and the range of investigation should be expanded highly”.

He added, “There will not be any reason for President and NMDP, who promised to expose corruption for refusing this”and “if we don`t give power to SPP, political corruption will not disappear in current government”.

Yeon-Wook Jung jyw11@donga.com