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“NK Never Give up Its Purpose for Communist Unification”

“NK Never Give up Its Purpose for Communist Unification”

Posted February. 08, 2002 09:33,   


U.S. CIA director revealed that "most intelligence agencies anticipate that the U.S. will face the threat of the ICBM from North Korea, Iran and Iraq by 2015."

Director Tenet testified at the intelligence committee of the Senate that "NK is continuously exporting the production facilities, parts, and technology of the ballistic missiles. NK continues to develop the weapons of mass destruction with the profit made by the missile exports and providing the new products to Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Iran."

He also added, "NK has observed the Geneva Agreement for the nuclear freeze but is threatening that if the U.S. does not observe the Agreed Framework, it will not follow the rule as well."

He analyzed that "the reason why Chairperson Kim Jong-Il is reluctant to step forward to the dialogue with the South is to maintain his domestic control without solving the fundamental economic problems that have led the severe poverty of the people."

Mr. Tenet also explained that "North Korean provides its military with supplies prior to other areas. There is no evidence that the North gave up its purpose for the communist unification of the Korean Peninsula."

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell also said, "President Bush is very disappointed by the exports of the missile by the North that can carry the mass destruction weapons. We will not step back from the President`s declaration."

Meanwhile, former U.S. Defense Secretary William Ferry remarked that the U.S. must try its best diplomatic efforts to make the North to give up its nuclear development program voluntarily, but if it fails, the MD system that will destroy the nuclear missile at its `pre-boost phase` may be very effective.

He also said that "North Korea`s nuclear weapon is the threat that the U.S. can accept by no means and therefore, the U.S. must take any possible measure to stop it. The nuclear-head will be more serious threat than the missile to the U.S.."

Ki-Heung Han eligius@donga.com