Posted January. 17, 2002 10:18,
The Korean Federation of Labor (KFL), which so far has maintained a close relationship with the ruling party, is attempting to attain independent political power as the local district and presidential elections draw near.
Federation authorities announced on the 16th, "There is a sense of skepticism inside the organization about its relationship with the ruling party. In this year’s two major elections, independent power and candidacy will be the basic direction."
In 1997, the Korean Federation of Labor made an unprecedented collaboration with the then opposition party, the Democratic Party, and to some extent contributed to the power change. The following labor requests, however, were not fulfilled:
- Introduction of five-day workweek system
- Authorization of Civil Service Union
- Protection of irregular occupations
- Abolition of authorization- mediation
As a result, the KFL named this year as `the foundation year of democratic reform party for laborers’ political power`, and decided to support the federation- affiliated candidates in local elections. It is even looking into nominating an independent candidate for the presidential election.
The KFL decided to finalize detailed plans for political activity at the regular major conference at the beginning of February.
In 1998, political activities of labor unions such as expressing support for particular parties were permitted, and in 1999 the Supreme Court ruled that it is possible for labor unions to donate political funds. Therefore, the labor world has an advantage this year in politics.