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``Let`s Get the Enthusiasm and Friendship to World Cup``

``Let`s Get the Enthusiasm and Friendship to World Cup``

Posted September. 24, 2001 08:46,   


The 2002 World Cup is only 8 months away. Co-hosted by Donga Ilbo, Japan`s Asahi Shimbun, the Korean Athletic Promotion Association, and the Japanese Walk Association, `the Korea-Japan World Cup Host City Walking Festival` finished all events which were supposed to be held in Korea at Incheon yesterday. The `Walking Festival` began in order to wish for the successful host of the 2002 World Cup and to continue the friendly exchange between the host cities of two nations.

With about 2,000 participants, `the 17th Incheon Walking Festival` took place in the 10km section beginning and returning between the Incheon City Hall and the Incheon Munhak World Cup Stadium under the crystalline fall sky.

Opened at Seoul on April 16th last year, `the Korea-Japan World Cup Host City Walking Festival` has alternately taken place in 10 Korean cities and 7 Japanese cities for 1 year and 5 months, and will finish all events with the Walking Festivals at Oita on 5th, Shizuoka on 7th, and Yokohama on 8th.

Although there have been a lot of trouble between the two nations such as the World Cup naming issue and the textbook issue thus far, the participants said that this Walking Festival contributed to promote the mutual understanding and to build up the friendship.

Dosaka Hidetoru (72) from Asahigawa, Hokkaido said, ``Last year, many Koreans participated in the festival at my home town. I came to Korea to see the friends who I met at the last year`s festival. And I hope that such an unpleasant affair as the textbook conflict will not happen in Japan.``

Meanwhile, in the 16th Suwon Walking Festival, about 2,000 citizens thought over the meaning of the World Cup and wished for the successful host of the World Cup, walking on the beautiful mountain course between Suwon and Hwasung.

Bae Keuk-In bae2150@donga.com