Posted May. 16, 2001 07:59,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) which celebrates its 30th birthday this year, has reached a world class level in more than 10 fields including chemical engineering.
It has been revealed that KAIST is already in the same top10 best American universities in more than 10 departments including chemical engineering. This result was based on the number of articles published in international science magazines for last 5 years. Those magazines were limited to the recognition of SCI.
In the field of chemical engineering, scientists in KAIST published 242 articles in last five years outnumbering Purdue Univ.(189 articles), which took the first place among U.S universities, and the second place Texas A&M Univ.(185 articles).
In electric & electrical engineering, KAIST published 487 articles outnumbering other world class prestigious universities such as MIT (2nd place, 481 articles), U.C. Berkley (3th place, 461 articles), and Stanford University. Only Univ. of Illinois outperformed KAIST publishing 494 articles (1st place).
KAIST also published about the same number of articles as top 10 American universities in the fields of mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence, optical science, organic chemistry, applied microbiology, nuclear engineering, material engineering, and information engineering etc..
Duk-In Choi, the president of the institute, said, ``KAIST has been cultivating men and women of talent who have contributed to the development of Korean economy and science for last thirty years. The institute will raise the rate of foreign professors and students to 30 percent so that it can nurture and equip students with international class of competitiveness.``
In addition, celebrating its 30th birthday, KAIST is having an exhibition of their major products featuring Ami, a human robot, an unmanned airship, an artificial satellite in the Pacific Hall in KOEX, Samsungdong, Seoul. This exhibition continues until 18th.