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Amb. Choi delivers protest letter

Posted April. 19, 2001 17:59,   


Ambassador to Japan Choi Sang-Yong returned to Tokyo Thursday and delivered a letter of protest from foreign affairs and trade minister Han Seung-Soo to Japanese foreign minister Yohei Kono over the Japanese distortion of history textbooks.

Saying to Kono that ``this is most important,`` he gave the envelope containing Han`s letter to the Japanese foreign minister.

In the letter, minister Han expressed his deep regret over the Japanese government`s authorization of the textbooks, noting that such an action again agitated the feelings of the Korean people.

Han said that the Korean government was conducting the final part of its analysis and evaluation of the approved textbooks and would soon present its concrete position based on the outcome to the Japanese government. He urged the Japanese government to take positive and sincere measures to help resolve the issue peacefully, when the Korean government presents its stance.

Kono said that he understood that the Korean people regarded the matter very seriously and he was waiting for the return of Ambassador Choi to Tokyo to find a solution to the question.

Shim Kyu-Sun ksshim@donga.com