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No more violence on school campuses

Posted April. 17, 2001 19:06,   


The colleges and universities are suffering from intra-campus feuds. As soon as the new semester started, many universities are embroiled in various disputes over the confidence to the presidents, reappointments of professors, school foundations` grafts, and the hikes of tuition fees, etc. In the process, students resorted to radical, violent activities such as occupying the presidential offices and damaging properties. Witnessing that such irrational activities are repeated in the intellectual society, we become apprehensive over where our society is heading for. Some of the students` demands raised recently are excessive and inappropriate ones that can put the school authorities into jeopardy. In fact, the students` maneuvers were intended to emasculate the school foundation and faculties. Since the students began to interfere with the school affairs with force, the campus administrations have become more complicated and aggravated. Even the basic ethics existing between the teacher and the student have been lost. The collective actions against school authorities caused disruption of classes and consequently inflicting directive damage on the majority of the students who are willing to learn.

In particular, we pay attention to the insistence of the school foundations and related officials that the student movement was not initiated with their own judgment but manipulated by certain outside forces. This means that the students were often exploited by some outside forces without knowing this. It is desirable that the in-campus problems should be resolved by themselves. However, if the intra-campus issues are influenced by outside elements, there is naturally a limit to the self-solutions. A related school official contended that all campus disturbances of late were not generated from the students` pure motivations but there must be certain invisible forces that are manipulating them to do so. Nevertheless, he noted that the government remains idle, leaving the solution of the critical question to the hands of the hapless school authorities, despite the fact that it should track down the behind-the-scene elements and punish them. In this manner, the campus plight has been uncontrollably deteriorating with little prospects for the solution. Admittedly, there are some professors who behave themselves cowardly in coping with campus issues.

In recent years, the voices of students are becoming louder, while the school foundation`s and faculties` voices becoming weaker. In this regard, we are of the view that this campus phenomenon is associated with the current social environment in which every thing is swayed by the self-centered collectivism in disregard of the basic order of free democracy. For the campus normalization, all its components, students, professors as well as school foundations ought to raise reasonable and righteous voices. At the same time, transparency and rationalization in the campus management need to be secured. There should be no more violence and recklessness in the school campuses.