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Kim specifies `comprehensive reciprocity` on NK

Posted March. 09, 2001 13:24,   


In a speech Thursday during his ongoing visit to Washington, President Kim Dae-Jung proposed a policy of ``comprehensive reciprocity`` in dealing with North Korea. His plan encompasses a U.S. guarantee of North Korea`s security and the provision of economic aid in return for the North`s agreement to abide by the terms of the 1994 Geneva agreement, resolve the missile issue and renounce any aims to retake the South by force.

Kim made the proposal in a speech titled, ``Toward the End of the Cold War on the Korean Peninsula and the Era of Reconciliation and Cooperation,`` which he delivered Friday morning (Korean time) during a luncheon meeting jointly hosted by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). After the speech, Kim exchanged views with attendees, mostly experts on Korean relations. They included AEI chairman Christopher DeMuth, CFR vice president Paula J. Dobriansky, former CIA director James Woolsey and former U.S. ambassador to Korea James Lilley.
