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June 15 declaration milestone for unification: N. Korea

Posted January. 10, 2001 19:33,   


North Korean newspapers appealed to the people of South and North Korea and Koreans living abroad to achieve the independent and peaceful unification of the fatherland in the near future by thoroughly implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration, the North Korean Central News Agency reported Tuesday.

The Rodong Sinmun, North Korea's official mouthpiece, said in an editorial that the South-North Joint Declaration was a milestone for the unification of the fatherland, and that if the Korean people honor it; they will see epoch-making progress toward national unification.

The Democratic Choson, another North Korean paper, also pointed out in an editorial that after the June 15 Joint Declaration, historic changes have taken place in both the South and North. The paper called for the complete elimination of "anti-national" and "anti-unification" elements that run counter to the spirit of the declaration. It also urged the people to frustrate all attempts to put the brakes on the implementation of the joint declaration, according to the state-run news agency.