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North Korea acknowledges need for U.S. troops

Posted August. 30, 2000 20:24,   


It was revealed that North Korea has held the position that American forces must remain on the Korean peninsula even after reunification, and dispatched a high-ranking delegation to America to convey these thoughts.

During an interview with the Washington Post published on August 30, President Kim made these statements while answering questions about the June inter-Korean summit, and also said that South-North relations are improving faster that he had predicted.

President Kim said that he was very surprised to hear Kim, Jong-Il, the North Korean leader, say that he understood South Korea`s view that American forces are needed in Korea and that since the Korean peninsula is surrounded by such major powers as Japan, China, and Russia, it is desirable to have American forces remain here.

President Kim said that Kim Jong-Il had opened up to him and stated that he dispatched a high-ranking delegation to the U.S. a few years ago to convey his stance on the U.S. troop issue. The president added that the North Korean leader`s recognition of the need for American forces to be stationed in Korea was one of the most meaningful achievements of the June summit and gave him a great feeling of relief.

However, President Kim said that Kim Jong-Il did not disclose how the senior-ranking delegation was sent nor what America`s response was at that time. The president added that Kim Jong-Il said he remembered the delegation was dispatched around the last year former North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung was alive.

Lee Jong-Hoon taylor55@donga.com