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Itinerary for Aug.15 family reunion set

Posted August. 09, 2000 21:00,   


The South and North Korean Red Cross Societies have agreed on transportation and the schedule for the inter-Korean separated family reunion taking place next Tuesday.

Family members visiting Seoul and Pyongyang will see their relatives in one public gathering followed by two private meetings. Including luncheons on August 16 and 17, there will be a total of five meetings between separated family members.

The two sides have agreed on the following six rules. The visitors to North and South Korea will both take a direct flight route over the Yellow Sea. The route, used by President Kim on his June visit to Pyongyang, is becoming a regular one between South and North Korea. This time, the visitors will depart from Kimpo Airport, not Seoul Airport, which is for non-civilian use. North Korea`s Koryo Airlines and South Korea`s Air Force One will fly back home immediately after dropping the visitors off at the respective capitals. They will return on the morning of July 18 to pick up the visitors.

Secondly, there will not be any elaborate ceremonies for visiting families upon arrival at the airfield. Instead, Red Cross officials will present visitors with bouquets in a simple welcome.

The two sides also agreed on one group meeting for all visiting relatives and private family meetings in hotel rooms on the second and fourth day of the reunion. The group meetings will be held at places designated by the host nations. Seoul has set the COEX as the South`s meeting place, but Pyongyang`s choice of venue has not been confirmed. Families will also participate in luncheons on the second and the fourth day.

However, the official luncheons on the first and fourth day will be only for the 151 visitors.

Lastly, overnight stays, sightseeing with separated family members and visits to their homes and ancestors` graves are not permitted.