Bertha Holt, who devoted her entire life as the guardian mother to countless orphans in Korea through the establishment of Holt International Children`s Services, bid farewell to this world July 31. The spokesperson for the HICS confirmed that Holt died in her home in Eugene, Oregon, on July 31 at the age of 96.
Holt had taken her regular walk on July 25 but had to be transported to the hospital due to a sudden heart attack. She was treated by doctors but did not recover.
The HICS, which she established, led to the adoption of about 18,000 Korean orphans for adoptions abroad to about 70,000 homes, a remarkable accomplishment for any children`s service.
Holt was driven to help orphans, with her husband Harry`s support, after viewing a documentary in 1955 outlining the hardships and sufferings faced by the children of mixed parents resulting from the Korean War. Her husband, who died in 1964 in Korea, had been a successful businessman in lumber and had decided to devote his life to orphan adoption after his own bout with near death through a heart attack.
According to her will, Holt¡¯s body will be transported to Korea on Aug. 7, and a funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Aug. 9 at the Holt Welfare Town in Tanhyun-dong in Ilsan, an area in Koyang City. After the funeral, her body will be placed beside her husband`s.