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MacDonald`s has been exploiting us in various ways.

Posted July. 30, 2000 19:49,   


MacDonald`s has been exploiting us in various ways. Through destructive intense cultivation, they have destroyed nature and have stolen the hearts of our children through commercials. (A member of Greenpeace France on the 29th during an anti-McDonald`s rally/picnic in Paris.)

Let us all not forget I am a reporter like you. (A member of the North Korean press entourage for the inter-Korean ministerial talks, on being asked about the planned ministerial meeting by South Korean reporters during a press conference at Shilla Hotel.)

As I personally lean toward news for the next-generation and that "breaks the mold", I thought it wouldn`t be a bad idea to break a certain mold myself. (KBS News anchor Whang Jung-Min, on her announcing the news in a sleeveless one-piece dress.)

There are many research centers and agencies which do not have labor unions. Why do we need one for government-sponsored research agencies? (Choi Rong, Assistant Director of the Ssang-yong Central Research Center, speaking at an invitational meeting sponsored by National Science, Technology, Information and Communication Committee Chairman Lee Sang-Hee)

Although there has been endless speculation that late President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos and his family members have transferred a great deal of money to banks in Hong Kong, I never imagined it would be an amount as huge as 20 billion Hong Kong Dollars.

(Joey Concepcion, Chairman of the Episcopal Businessmen`s Association, stressing that the

government must recover all the slush funds belonging to the Marcos family.)

Politics is like riding waves at a beach. When the waves hit, you need to ride above them. If you don`t, you will end up being afraid of every little ripple.

(Lee In-Jae, the Senior Adviser of the Millennium Democratic Party, revealing his intention to run for the office of the Chairmanship.)