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Fox News cameraman is killed in Ukraine

Posted March. 17, 2022 07:52,   

Updated March. 17, 2022 07:52


Several international journalists were killed while covering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Fox News photographer Pierre Zakrzewski died after his vehicle was struck by incoming fire in Horenka, outside Kyiv, Ukraine, on Monday. Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra Kuvshynova who was consulting Zakrzewski was also killed.

Fox News journalist Benjamin Hall was also severely injured and is currently hospitalized. Zakrzewski from Ireland covered many troubled areas, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. He was given the "Unsung Hero" award by Fox News three months ago at the new organization’s 25th-anniversary award ceremony. Kuvshynova helped with the Fox New team’s travel, information gathering, and interpretation.

This is the second time foreign journalists have lost lives in Ukraine. The New York Time’s cameraman and documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud was also fatally shot on Sunday by the Russian forces in Irpin near Kyiv while covering the movement of refugees.

Bo-Mi Im bom@donga.com