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Galaxy Tab 10.1 wins top satisfaction ratings in Korea

Posted December. 07, 2011 00:18,   


Samsung Electronics` Galaxy Tab 10.1 has beaten the Apple iPad 2 to top the satisfaction survey of tablet PCs in the Korean market. But Galaxy Tab 10.1 ranked first in just three of eight categories while iPad 2 led in five.

The civic group Green Consumer Network released Tuesday its survey results on the price and quality of five tablet PCs: Galaxy Tab, iPad 2, HTC 4G Flyer, Motorola Xoom and kPad.

The survey found Galaxy Tab (3.78 points) got the highest overall score followed by the iPad 2 (3.77), kPad (3.65), Flyer and Xoom (3.47 each). Galaxy Tab won in the categories of design, other functions and convenience. iPad 2 topped convenience, wireless Internet, data processing, multimedia player and applications but was deemed weak in upgrade of the system program. iPad 2 came second in overall score by 0.01 point.

A source from the civic group said, "Galaxy Tab increased satisfaction with vivid color, excellent graphics and DMB functions that iPad doesn`t have."

Flyer and Xoom had the highest cost for after-sales service while kPad had the lowest. It cost 123,000 won (108.80 U.S. dollars) to repair screen damage on kPad while that for Flyer and Xoom was 328,000 won (290.2 dollars). The cost to fix water damage on Flyer and Xoom (750,000 won or 663.7 dollars) exceeded the price of the gadget itself.

The Fair Trade Commission financially supported the survey conducted of 500 consumers from teenagers to those in their 50s who used tablet PCs in September and October.
