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Korean Study Abroad Program Suspected

Posted August. 21, 2006 03:06,   


The New Zealand government plans to investigate immigration and overseas study agencies and related elementary schools in Oakland to figure out whether Korean children under 10 are studying there illegally, reported the local weekly Sunday Star-Times on August 20.

Bruce Aidin, the officer in charge of northern regions in the Ministry of Education of New Zealand, said that the ministries of education and labor will make a joint investigation into Orewa Elementary School starting August 21 and that Wentworth High School, a private school nearby, is also likely to be investigated.

The newspaper reported that the Korean students are highly likely to have violated the New Zealand Ministry of Education’s overseas study guideline of 2002, which stipulates international students under the age of 10 studying in New Zealand should live with their parents or legal guardians designated by the court.

The newspaper went on to add that Mr. J, who runs an immigration and overseas study agency in Oakland, has reportedly brought Korean students under 10 and had them lodge in homes nearby the school, claiming he is their legal guardian.

The newspaper also explained the young international students are reported to be paying 200 New Zealand dollars (approximately 122,662 won) per week in lodging expenses and 8,000 New Zealand dollars annually in tuitions.

Meanwhile, the Orewa Elementary School is suspected of illicitly accepting international students without abiding by the obligation to accurately report how many international students they have.