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Small-Scale Cabinet Shakeup Expected

Posted July. 01, 2006 04:17,   


A minor cabinet reshuffle is imminent early next week.

Chief presidential secretary for national policy Kwon O-kyu will likely replace Finance-Economy Minister Han Duck-soo, and former chief presidential secretary for national policy Kim Byung-joon will likely replace Minister of Education and Human Resources Development Kim Jin-pyo.

Minister of Planning and Budget Byeon Yang-kyoon is expected to succeed Kwon as chief presidential secretary for national policy, and vice planning and budget Minister Chang Byoung-wan would be promoted to Minister of planning and budget.

There is speculation that President Roh’s decision to reshuffle the cabinet is aimed at earning public support after the devastating defeat of the ruling party in the May 31 election. Also, the President’s intention of naming current and former chief presidential secretaries for national policy as ministers can be interpreted as a move to strengthen control over state affairs in the later phase of his term. Kwon and Kim are known to be among of the closest aides to the president.

More changes are expected as the president accepted the ruling Uri Party’s request to ease the tax burden of homeowners during dinner with leaders of the ruling party on Thursday.

“As minister, who is responsible for preventing and managing any unfavorable event, I feel deeply sorry to the parents and students in the school meal poisoning incident,” apologized Minister Kim Jin-pyo, who resigned.

“As a politician, I was shocked at the outcome of the May 31 election. I conveyed my intention to return to the National Assembly around mid June to the president,” added Kim.

Yeon-Wook Jung jyw11@donga.com