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Exhumation of Deceased U.S. Soldiers in the Korean War to be Continued throughout Next Year

Exhumation of Deceased U.S. Soldiers in the Korean War to be Continued throughout Next Year

Posted November. 19, 2004 23:07,   


The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) enlisted under the U.S. Departement of Defense announced through a statement that on November 18, North Korea and the U.S. met at Bangkok, Thailand and agreed to continue the excavation of the remains of soldiers killed in North Korea during the Korean War.

At this conference, held for two days to debate the conduct and schedule of the excavation operation, which will attain its 10th anniversary in 2005, the U.S. participated with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for POW/Missing Personnel Affairs, Jerry Jennings as the head of the delegate body.

The U.S. has decided to send an investigation team during April to October of next year to Unsan, North Pyoungan Province and Jangjin Lake, South Hamgyoung Province where over 2,000 soldiers were missing.