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“China Examined Daema-do’s Return to Chosun”

Posted August. 01, 2004 22:31,   


It became known in a recently opened Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry documents that China examined a program asking for both islands of Dok-do and Daema-do to be returned to Chosun in exchange for a peace treaty with Japan after the Second World War.

According to the Yomiuri on August 1, the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry showed its position that because “there was a possibility of the Japanese islands being used for strategic strongholds by the U.S.,” they should be returned to China or neighboring nations in document titled, “A draft on a territorial problems and claims in a peace treaty with Japan.”

These documents pointed out that “U.S. imperialism is expanding its military hold aggressively. So, all islands that can be possible positions for foreign invasion should be cut in order to prevent Japan from having an ambition for territorial expansion with U.S. support.”

At that time, China claimed Chinese jurisdiction over Okinawa, the old Soviet jurisdiction claim over four northern islands, and that Dok-do and Daema-do should be returned to “a democratic Chosun” on the grounds of such logic.

Won-Jae Park parkwj@donga.com