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[Editorial] Can’t It Reveal Because Of Chief Of FSC?

Posted September. 29, 2002 23:02,   


It is absurd to mention secret support in the South-North summit. The truth would be only one and it could be revealed easily. Whereabouts of 400 million dollars (490 billion won) can be verified within half a day as even millions of won can be revealed by account tracking nowadays.

There is no reason for government to avoid or hesitate close examination of the fact not only in technology but also in policy. The Government should promote suspicion of secret support to the North because it is a sensitive issue regarding fairness of ‘Sunshine Policy’. Although GNP raised the suspicion, it has already become a national issue and there are many misunderstanding points in procedure of taking a loan. Therefore, its first responsibility of close examination lies with the government, I presume.

Cheong Wa Dae should not show only severe response saying, “GNP will take responsibility of its ‘absurd speech’.” However, government has lost credibility by showing such response in previous several incidents as it used to get upset. If it is really upright, government should instruct starting of investigation of prosecutor.

It is possible to have grasped the fact already. But there might be some doubtful points.

Otherwise, Cheong Wa Dae or the government don’t have to hesitate in exposing the fact, despite denying the suspicion. If government hesitates, National Assembly should come up. MDP should also pursue close examination of Government, not rejecting inspection of government.

For the right close examination, Chief of Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), Lee Geun-young, who has responsibility and right of investigation, should resign. When Korea Development of Bank (KDB) gave a loan of 400 million dollars to Hyundai Shipment, the then chief of FSC was Lee; therefore, he is not qualified to supervise the investigation of this suspicion. To avoid investigation keeping his designation would raise doubtfulness only.