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`Dynamic Korea`

Posted December. 24, 2001 08:38,   


`Dynamic Korea` was selected as the English slogan to introduce the image of Korea to the world during The World Cup and Asian Games next year.

In the `joint briefing on the preparation progress of The World Cup and The Asian Games` chaired by president Kim Dae-Jung, the government finally decided `Dynamic Korea` as the slogan for these two games, and `Hub of Asia` as a second title.

The government also decided to extend the two-shift car operating system during the World Cup period to the whole Metropolitan area (Seoul, Kyonggi, Incheon) and the 10 cities that hold the games. The government will decide the other detail measures through the consultation of the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, The Ministry of Environment, and 3 Cities and Provinces.

Expecting the 100,000 Chinese tourists during The World Cup, the government will push ahead the special measures like △ increasing the flights and ships △ equipping Chinese only immigration inspection boards △ Chinese language on the information posts △ and recruiting more Chinese interpreters.

And the government will improve national dignity through `World Cup diplomacy` one program of which is inviting VIP and their spouses, such as presidents of the final competition entries and the Korean War aids, the committee of Nobel Prize, and the secretary general of the UN, to the World Cup games.

And the government will issue short term plural visa that is valid for 3 months to the spectators for several games, and extend the length of stay from 30 days to 90 days for the people of visa freed countries. But it will intensify the travel agency`s responsibility of guarantee for the group tourists to prevent foreigners` illegal stay.

Chol-Hi Lee klimt@donga.com