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Japan, Don`t Infringe Korea`s Fishing Right!

Posted July. 11, 2001 20:18,   


Regarding the Japanese reservation of the fishing permit in the Southern Kuril Islands, the Agriculture, Forestry, Maritime Affairs, and Fisheries Committee of the National Assembly adopted a resolution to urge Japan for immediate withdrawal, describing that ``[the Japanese reservation] clearly ignores the Korean autonomy and promotes the tension in the East Asia by deteriorating the Korea-Japan friendly relationship.

In the resolution, Korean lawmakers declared that ``if Japan did not withdraw the infringement of the Korean fishing right, Japan should take responsibility of the following consequences. The Korean National Assembly will implement all possible strong countermeasures not only of the Korea-Japan fisheries pact but also of all other areas.

Chung Woo-Taik, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, answered to the Committee lawmakers that ``the government will respond step by step in close cooperation with related government departments. The government will not consider any alternative fishing area to replace the Kurils.

Song In-Soo issong@donga.com