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Lee Jung-hoo hits first home run since joining MLB

Posted April. 01, 2024 07:43,   

Updated April. 01, 2024 07:43


Lee Jung-hoo of the San Francisco Giants continues electrifying Major League Baseball (MLB). In Sunday's away game against the San Diego Padres, he showcased his prowess as the leadoff hitter and center fielder, tallying one hit and two RBI in four at-bats. Notably, Lee's hit during this game marked his inaugural home run since joining the MLB.

In the top of the 8th inning, facing San Diego's left-handed reliever Tom Cosgrove, Lee found himself with a 3-1 lead and no runners on base, with one out. With a count of one ball and one strike, Lee adjusted his stance for the 3rd pitch, a sweeping delivery clocked at 125 km/h, which veered inside towards his body. Meeting the ball dead center on his bat, he launched it at an impressive speed of 168 km/h, sending it soaring into the outfield seats in right-center. The remarkable hit traveled a distance of 124 meters.

After his home run, he returned to the dugout with a jubilant welcome from his teammates. Following the game, his fellow players ushered him to the shower room, celebrating his achievement by dousing him with beer and covering him in shaving cream, offering their heartfelt congratulations once more.

Heon-Jae Lee uni@donga.com