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Xi sends letter to N. Korea describing ‘comradeship written in blood’

Xi sends letter to N. Korea describing ‘comradeship written in blood’

Posted July. 31, 2023 08:12,   

Updated July. 31, 2023 08:12


“We share a comradeship written in blood. Let us promote bilateral ties regardless of international circumstances,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping in a letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

According to People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the Communist Party Politburo member Li Hongzhong visited North Korea in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Armistice Day of the Korean War, which North Korea considers as Victory Day. He met with Kim in Pyongyang and presented him with an official letter from President Xi Jinping.

“Seventy years ago, the Chinese communist and North Korean armies achieved a great victory by supporting North Korea against the U.S. and forged a comradeship written in blood. No matter how the international storm changes, safeguarding, consolidating, and developing relations between China and North Korea will always be a firm policy direction of the Chinese Communist Party and the government," said the letter.

North Korea’s Korea Central News Agency reported that Kim said, "North Korea’s party and people will cherish and praise the Chinese communist army’s achievement,” thanking the letter. Kim, along with Vice Chairman Ri, personally greeted the Chinese delegation of eight members. In the banquet preceded by the meeting, Kim Yo Jong, Deputy Department Director of the party and Kim’s sister, made a speech.

Ki-Yong Kim kky@donga.com