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The Cecil Theater opens its doors again

Posted April. 12, 2018 08:25,   

Updated April. 12, 2018 08:25


The Cecil Theater, which was closed in January this year, due to financial difficulties, has opened its doors once again.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Theater Association held a ceremony at 2 p.m. Wednesday celebrating the reopening of the theater. “The Seoul Metropolitan Government will support 10 million won a month of the 11 million won rent per month, while the Seoul Theater Association will pay the rest,” Seoul Theater Association Vice President Bang Ji-young said. “The rental fee of the Cecil Theater will be about 50 percent of the 300-seat theaters in Daehangno, benefiting many people in the theatrical circle.”

The Seoul Metropolitan Government has been seeking ways rent the property on a long-term lease and have a non-profit organization take charge of the operation of the theater as the Cecil Theater closed its doors after struggling to pay the monthly rent of 24 million won. The Seoul Theater Association was selected as the operating agency after a careful review. The Cecil Theater, which opened its doors in 1976, was designed by architect Kim Joong-up and designated as Seoul Future Heritage in 2013.

Jeong-Eun Kim kimje@donga.com