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U.S.` strong anti-terrorism response to Boston bombing

Posted April. 22, 2013 05:01,   


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the two suspects in Monday`s marathon bombing in U.S. peace city of Boston, was arrested in four days since the deadly explosives detonated and seven hours since open investigation started. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, his older brother, died in a shootout with police. Dzhokhar was captured alive Saturday while hiding in the Boston suburb of Watertown.

Terrorists were promptly killed and arrested thanks to President Barack Obama`s strong anti-terrorism will. Immediately after the Boston Marathon bombings happened, President Obama delivered a brief statement, saying "Make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this, and we will find out who did this, we`ll find out why they did this. Any individuals or groups responsible for the senseless bombing," he added, will "feel the full weight of justice." Two days after the incident, he visited the bombing site and consoled the victims, saying there will be no compromise on terrorism.

On Friday, President Obama stayed at White House and was briefed on the progress of terrorist search and arrest. He met with Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of State John Kerry and Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. Black Hawk helicopter, attaching a camera with infrared rays capable of detecting living creatures, flew to Watertown, and hundreds of policemen and FBI members investigated the area.

All this happened like a blue streak thanks to the government`s strong mop-up operation and the public`s active reporting. Police analyzed the surveillance cameras installed at Lord and Taylor Department Store located near the marathon finishing line and nearby restaurants, as well as videos and photos sent online by individuals, and ultimately could find the suspects.

People sent videos and pictures they took via smartphones to investigation authorities or uploaded them online, which hugely helped find the terrorists. Jeff Bauman, who lost both legs while waiting her girlfriend near the finishing line, identified Tsarnaev brothers in one of the photos as suspect when he woke up from surgery.

Exposed to North Korea`s threats of war and terror, South Korea has much to learn from U.S.` strong will to find Boston marathon terrorists and punish them.