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Intellectuals Urge to Stop Candlelight Protest

Posted July. 25, 2008 08:53,   


A group of intellectuals called for the discontinuation of candlelight rallies in a press conference held Thursday at New International Hotel in central Seoul.

The Preparation Committee of Intellectuals for Declaration against Candlelight Rallies said in its statement, “It’s fortunate that the participation of religious groups eased the violence of protests. But their participation is not right since it rekindles illegal protests.” The committee also asked the opposition parties to “stop riding on candlelight vigils and to make efforts to recover representative democracy and seek practical alternatives.”

“Facing the grave issues of Japan’s renewed claim to Dokdo and the shooting death of a South Korean tourist at the Mount Geumgang resort, it’s time for the nation to unite, setting aside ideologies. We should not let emotional political issues sway our society,” said the committee.

Led by Secretary-General of the National Council for Advancement Seo Gyeong-seok, a total of 1,863 intellectuals from various circles have joined the declaration. Also in attendance were former Kunkuk University President Maeng Won-jae, Korea University professor Lee Jae-hyung and former Korean Bar Association President Cheon Gi-hong.
