Everybody knows that the concept of lifelong job has disappeared. Nevertheless, people tend to think that seeking a new job is something for young college graduates to do. What a strange and surprising way of thinking. Changing jobs and careers is the inevitable course of personal development, where all company workers seek to find security within insecure organizations.
One of the popular themes of today is not how to increase job security in one company, but how to raise ones employability in the market. The key in personal development regarding ones career lies in making oneself a high-quality good that can be paid its deserved price anywhere.
The gist of the book What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard N. Bolles is simple and clear: in order to land a desired job and work happily for your lifetime, you have to prepare answers for the following three questions.
First, find out what you can sell and prepare for it. In other words, you have to know what your inherent talents are. Many people often do not see what they have. To give you an example, lets say there is a person who remembers what clothes and accessories a passer-by was wearing. That person may think I am good at nothing but that is not true. Being able to remember characteristics of someone is a unique talent and a great asset that can be sold when seeking a job.
Second, decide where to sell your talent. That means identifying areas of your personal interest. After that, you have to see what kind of jobs actually apply those areas and find information and study them. For instance, if a person with a good sense and memory is interested in accessories, he or she can be an excellent accessory coordinator. Talent can be utilized in not just one, but in many different jobs. This is why talent is called a transferable skill.
Third, find out how you can get the job you want the most. It does not matter whether the company needs new employees or not. If you offer a job that the company absolutely needs but has not realized a need for, the company is sure to accept your offer. Creating critically needed demand is a blue ocean in building careers.
The greatest strength of this book is its detailed explanation of the how part. The book is not only concrete and kind, but also revolutionary. However, there is a condition to reading it: Never give up half way and constantly question yourself. You will be rewarded.