Posted September. 05, 2005 07:06,
Typhoon Nabi, which is expected to hit a larger area than that of Hurricane Katrina, which slammed into the northern part of the U.S., is approaching Korea.
Experts estimate that Typhoon Nabi is stronger than Typhoon Rusa, which swept over Korea in 2002 and inflicted the highest property damage in the nations history.
When such a strong typhoon is forecast, it is very important to pay attention to broadcast weather news which monitors any change of the typhoons direction and size. People also have to promptly cope with changing situations in accordance with the guidance of administrative bodies.
In order to do so, it is very helpful to look into a disaster prevention manual, which is issued by the National Emergency Management Agency belonging to Central Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters, in advance.
This guidance is particularly for those living in urban areas. Residents living in low areas and frequently-flooded areas have to carefully check waterways and drains near their residences, and people living in the basement of buildings that are expected to be inundated have to evacuate in advance.
Signboards and roofs that are likely to fly away must be tied up, and pedestrians should avoid places where dangerous facilities such as big signboards are located, and construction sites.
Cars parked near rivers must be moved to other safe places because they are likely to be swamped in the water by the storm.
Drivers should take familiar ways, avoiding submerged roads and the Jamsu Bridge (a bridge that is built very closer to the surface of the Han River).
It is extremely dangerous to approach drain manholes and the top or basements of high-storied buildings such as high-rise apartment buildings.
It is also perilous to come close to streetlights, signal lamps, and high-tension electric wires during periods of thunder and lighting.
To prevent damage from broken windows, residents of high-rise apartment buildings have to repair and fix them with tapes or other adhesives.
This is guidance for those living in rural and mountain areas. People must tie up everything that can fly away and fix roofs tightly.
Before the storm comes, they should dig waterways deeply and buttress green houses and fruit trees, which are also tied up solidly.
A landslide is likely to take place if the gradient angle is more than 30°. Therefore, people living near such area must be careful of what happens during rain and even after rain stops.
People should move agricultural machines and livestock to safe places and cross small bridges after checking if they are safe because accidents often occur there.
This is guidance for those living in coastal areas. People living near waterfronts and living in low areas must evacuate when a typhoon comes close. Driving on coast roads is particularly dangerous.
Fishing during a typhoon is not permissible. Attaching rubber tires to ships and tying them up tightly will prevent them from crashing with other ships. Fishing nets and fishing gear must be collected in advance, and other facilities related to fishing must be battened down tightly
For more information, please visit the homepage of the National Emergency Management Agency (