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Corrupt Public Enterprise Employees to be Replaced Early Next Year

Corrupt Public Enterprise Employees to be Replaced Early Next Year

Posted December. 22, 2004 22:46,   


The Presidential Chief Civil Secretariat announced that it has recently submitted information on 10 corrupt employees that work in public enterprises to their respective ministries. These employees are expected to be replaced early next year, regardless of their employment term.

Kim Jong-min, spokesperson for Cheong Wa Dae, stated in a regular press conference on December 22, “The Public Official Disciplinary Secretariat of the Presidential Chief Civil Secretariat has recently passed on information of a number of employees at public enterprises to their respective ministries.”

A key official of Cheong Wa Dae stated that “There are 10 employees of public enterprises and heads of government-affiliated organizations that the secretariat reported to their respective ministries as problematic,” and that “as the Ministry of Planning and Budget has conducted investigations on their lax business practices, their evasion of law, and other illegal practices of government-owned companies, as brought up during the regular National Assembly inspection, the number of personnel to be replaced may increase.”

Presidential Secretary for Personnel Affairs Jeong Chan-yong stated that “The Ministry of Planning and Budget is currently constructing a system that would monitor the 17 public enterprises and 85 government affiliated organizations in real time,” and that “this system will also be used as a human resource database for the employees at the public enterprises.”

Jung-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com