Posted December. 06, 2001 09:16,
"Let`s use English to advertise Korea to the international market."
The government is pondering over the advertising description, such as `Spain is Different` (82 Word Cup), `Amazing Thailand` (Tourist Slogan), to promulgate the Korean image during the World Cup and the Asian Athletic Competition.
The government has prepared some drafts, including `Dynamic Korea`, `Hub of Asia`, `Fantastic Korea`, `Experience Korea` and is collecting responses from the foreign residents in Korea and the related experts.
A government official said, "the foreign residents gave a good grade on `Dynamic Korea` and `Hub of Asia` probably because of the rapidly rising image of Korea in its economy and democratization."
By the increasing concerns of security after 9.11 terror, `Peaceful & Safe Korea` was also supported by many people.
However, it was indicated that the slogan is not appropriate for the National slogan, since it was used as an advertising slogan of the Presidential Visit to Europe.