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Chinese Container Ship Jinsung Arrived in Port Later than Expected

Chinese Container Ship Jinsung Arrived in Port Later than Expected

Posted May. 21, 2007 03:01,   


It has belatedly become known that the Chinese container ship Jinsung arrived at Liaoning, Dalian Port, seven to nine hours later than expected after its collision with the Korean ship Golden Rose on May 12.

The Jinsung entered the port at 2:40 p.m. on May 12, China’s state-owned news agency Xinhua reported. This is a different story from the announcement by the Chinese government stating that the ship sailed without being aware of crashing into the Golden Rose to arrive at nearby Yentai City. If it has sailed without knowledge of the collision, which took place at 03:08 a.m. (Chinese time), it should have entered the port at six to seven in the morning.

To discover the whereabouts of Jinsung during the hours is therefore crucial in finding the truth about the accident.

Prior to Xinhua’s news, China’s marine search team under the Chinese Ministry of Transportation reported that the Jinsung did not take any measures after the accident took place, kept sailing to enter the port.

Meanwhile, Korea and China began searching for the missing crew of Golden Rose, which was found submerged around a spot 38 miles southeast of Dalian on May 20.

The Korean Marine Police Administration said that the search resumed right after a civil rescue ship arrived at the spot where the accident occurred.

Korean and Chinese authorities also started investigating the insides of the sunken ship Golden Rose resting in 38 meters of water. Their search was initiated at a steering house with divers.

orionha@donga.com min07@donga.com