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Korean Resident Union in Japan Proposes Co-Hosting 60th Liberation Day Event with Chongryon

Korean Resident Union in Japan Proposes Co-Hosting 60th Liberation Day Event with Chongryon

Posted August. 17, 2004 21:49,   


The Korean Resident Union in Japan (Mindan, Head: Kim Jae-sook) sent a proposal on August 16 to Chongryon, the pro-North Korea General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, and suggested co-hosting next year’s 60th Liberation Day and for both parties to visit Seoul and Pyongyang together.

According to a member of Mindan in Japan on August 17, Chongryon brought a receipt for the 1,000,000 yen (about 10,000,000 Korean won), which the Korean Resident Union had gathered for the Yongcheon explosion victims on July 30, and thanked them.

During the meeting, Mindan emphasized the need for co-hosting next year’s Liberation Day event for the unity of all Koreans in Japan and suggested a meeting between the vice heads of both parties. However, Chongryon members didn’t want to give a definite answer at that time so Mindan sent the proposal via mail.

Mindan also proposed the plan of establishing a permanent council between them to discuss the status of the issues of Koreans in Japan.

Chongryon showed a negative reaction about the meeting of the two parties and demanded Mindan stop both the operation of the North Korean Defection Support Center and the arranging of the Chongryon members’ visit to South Korea.

Hun-Joo Cho hanscho@donga.com