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Academic Standards for Student Kendo Athletes

Posted March. 19, 2003 22:27,   


Student athletes with poor academic records will not be able to participate in any Kendo tournaments.

The Korean Kendo Association announced on Wednesday that it would restrict middle school student athletes with poor academic records from participating in tournaments. Kendo is the first sport in the history of athletic competition to restrict student athletes with poor academic records to participate in events.

“There was a consensus during the last board meeting that, in order for Kendo to be cause for education of the whole man, the student athletes must not neglect their studies,” the Kendo Association said. “We are investigating different ways to set academic record standards.”

The rule will be applied to middle school student athletes first and then be extended to high school and college student athletes.

“In case of school records, there might be debate because records differ from school to school and region to region; however, there should be some positive effects that, at least, student athletes think twice about neglecting their studies,” an official of the Kendo Association said.

Hwan-Soo Zang zangpabo@donga.com