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[Editorial] No More DJ-Style Secret Meeting

Posted March. 05, 2003 22:25,   


National Security Advisor Rah Jong-il confirmed that he had held a secret meeting with North Korean officials last month in Beijing. This news may not seem so bad in that it could connect a channel of dialog between the two Koreas. We are badly in need of talks with the North Korean regime. Our efforts to resolve North Korea`s nuclear crisis have been deadlocked. Moreover, the confrontation between North Korea and the Untied States worries us about the possible military conflict between the two. Under these circumstances, it might be helpful to know what North Korea has in mind regarding its relationship with Washington and nuclear program.

If the secret meeting had been for the purposes mentioned above, there could have been no reason for hiding it from the public. But, he did meet North Korean officials in secret, and we have to suspect the real intent. Upon the meeting becoming known to the public, President Roh urged Rah to explain it himself to South Koreans. Rah, however, ignored it and decided to put everything under the rug. It`s regretful, to say the least. Lots of rumors are flying here and there. Some even assert that the Beijing meeting was a precursor to another summit between the two Koreas. Nonetheless, Rah just keeps silence, raising more and more doubt and suspicion.

The secret meeting runs direct counter to Roh`s pledge. In his inaugural speech, Roh promised, "I will enhance transparency in administration and induce more participation from the public." He also pronounced last Friday, "I will report everything in detail to the public, and run this government based on the consent of South Koreans." Then, President Roh himself should roll up his sleeves and do whatever he can to prevent the first meeting of his administration with North from ending up as another scandal.

Kim Dae Jung hid everything from the public. Even when South Koreans got to know of the secret meetings of his administration, he failed to disclose the truth. Consequently, Kim Dae Jung ended up raising more doubt and suspicion. Roh should not commit the same mistake. The first step starts with disclosure of whatever he can for now. Still, even after the end of Kim Dae Jung`s presidency, South Korean citizens are calling for the truth behind his secret checkbook diplomacy with North Korea. President Roh should learn a lesson from the precedent and stop hesitating.

Furthermore, we have plenty of diplomatic channels through which to talk with North Korea. Resorting to a secret meeting despite all the official channels, the Roh administration is like giving up all the achievements cumulated so far. All South Koreans are watching very closely how President Roh would handle this matter.