Posted November. 05, 2007 03:11,
The National Tax Service (NTS) will receive applications for a total of 1,350 9th-class public officials responsible for national tax collections this month.
The NTS announced yesterday that it decided to employ a total of 1,350 9th-class public servants in the tax service to handle Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) calculations effective next year. The public recruitment application window will be November 12-16.
It is expected that the NTSs large-scale public recruitment drive will arouse much interest because the job market is currently very tight and that job seekers preference for public servant positions is obvious.
Applications can be submitted online only. Among all the planned slots, 1,319 are ordinary and 31 are specifically for the handicapped.
The written test will be administered on December 16 and successful candidates will be notified on January 14, 2008. The final decision on successful candidates will be announced on February 12, 2008.
The written test consists of a total of five sections, including Korean, English, Korean History, Tax Law, and Accounting.
For more details, interested people may refer to the NTS homepage ( or the public notice for the public officials recruitment test posted onto the website of the national public test center of the Civil Service Commission.
Prior to this, the NTS also received applications for 9th-class officials from late July to early August, which will select a total of 1,200 successful candidates on November 8.