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Defense Minister Yoon, “Korea Will Not Pay for C4I”

Posted October. 26, 2004 22:58,   


It was revealed on October 26 that Yoon Kwang-ung, minister of National Defense, expressed his rejection of the U.S.’ request for the Korean government to pay the modernization cost of U.S.F.K. to upgrade C41 systems (command, control, communications, computers, and information) to the U.S. government.

An official in the Ministry of National Defense said, “During the Security Consultative Meeting held in Washington on October 22, Minister Yoon announced his rejection of the proposal to U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.”

Rumsfeld reportedly answered, “Korea’s position is understandable. The U.S.’ proposal to appropriate the defense expenses for the update of C4I will be reappraised.”

The official in the Ministry of National Defense added, “Minister Yoon pointed out that the U.S. government should reconsider the proposal because if the Korean government pays for the modernization of the C4I, it might have a negative influence on the mutual agreements over the relocation of the U.S. army base and on the rearranging of the U.S. Forces in Korea.”

Although it was stated on the “General Agreement on the Relocation of Yongsan Base” that the U.S. will be paying for the expenses to update the C4I, the U.S. government had requested the Korean government to pay for the expenses by including it with the defense expenditures.
