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U.S. Embassy to Remain In Seoul Regardless of Capital Relocation

U.S. Embassy to Remain In Seoul Regardless of Capital Relocation

Posted July. 09, 2004 22:04,   


The U.S. ambassador to Korea, Thomas Hubbard, said on July 9 that “wherever the capital of Korea will be, keeping the U.S. embassy to Korea or some parts of it in Seoul is important for the U.S. to play an important role.”

It is considerable because it suggests the U.S. embassy to Korea may remain in Seoul although the administrational capital is moving to Chungcheong province.

Ambassador Hubbard answered like this to the question of “will the U.S. embassy to Korea move if the administration capital of Korea moves?” after a lecture titled “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of the U.S.-Korea relationship” in the Western Chosun Hotel in Junggu, Seoul, which was held by invitation of the businessmen’s association of Korea University.

He said, “However the decision of Korea’s capital is made, Seoul is still important and will be the center of all kinds of activities. Although it is important to work related to the government as an ambassador, it is also important to be in contact with economic circles, academic circles and the civil sector, and to do consular tasks.”

To a question of: “Will you newly construct the U.S. embassy to Korea in Camp Coiner in Yongsan base?” he answered “There is no concrete plan in relation with it. We are discussing the possibility of construction according to Korean government’s suggestion, but we have not drawn a conclusion yet.”

He added that “the U.S. bought the area where the former Gyeonggi girl’s high school was located for the new U.S. embassy to Korea. I hope the conclusion is made as soon as possible on the matter of alternative area suggestions by the Korean government through continuous discussion.”

Hyong-gwon Pu bookum90@donga.com