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GNP Promoting Temporary National Assembly

Posted January. 11, 2004 22:51,   


The Grand National Party (GNP) has decided to call for a temporary session of the National Assembly on December 11 to verify the President’s allegation in the preliminary election campaign and the prosecution’s unfair investigation on illicit campaign funds.

Rep. Hong Sa-duk, floor leader of the GNP, said in a press conference at GNP party headquarters, “The prosecution’s investigation on illicit campaign funds is centered on the GNP side and unfair, and we also need a special decision regarding President Roh’s preliminary campaigning.”

Also, Rep. Hong added, “The current regime has sent enough people to prison and taken enough care of people who they want to eliminate, so nobody will call this session a “bulletproof” one,” adding, “We need to open the session immediately to question the current investigation practices that are leaving out Roh’s camp and to point out the unrighteousness of the preliminary campaigning led by President Roh.

The GNP will hold a temporary session at the National Assembly and call Judicial Minister Kang Keum-sil to account questioning the fairness of the prosecution’s investigation on illicit campaign funds.

The GNP, who holds more than a majority of the seats at the National Assembly, plans to discuss election funds, special investigations, and other issues at the temporary session with the Uri Party, the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP), and the United Liberal Democrats (ULD). However, the Uri Party and the MDP are against the opening the session itself in January, providing further conflicts in the temporary session of the National Assembly.

Rep. Yoo Yong-tae, floor leader of the MDP, said the same day, “If a temporary session is held in January, it will be blamed again as a “bulletproof session” against the prosecution’s investigation on election funds.”

Yeon-Wook Jung Hyung-gwon Pu jyw11@donga.com bookum90@donga.com