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The Prsecution’s Rquest for Choi Don-ung’s Avanced Arest Wrrant

The Prsecution’s Rquest for Choi Don-ung’s Avanced Arest Wrrant

Posted December. 31, 2003 22:55,   


The Central Investigation Department of the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office, headed by chief public prosecutor Ahn Dae-hee, decided to request once again an advanced arrest warrant for Choi Don-ung of the Grand National Party (GNP) who was among seven lawmakers whose arrest agreements were rejected in the National Assembly on December 31 of last year.

The person concerned said, “We are examining a request for Mr. Choi’s advanced arrest warrant as he is deeply involved in the GNP’s illegal fund raising for the presidential election and more allegations are likely to be revealed.”

The prosecution will request advanced arrest warrants again for the other six selectively according to their crimes’ seriousness, including Jeong Dae-cheol of the Uri Party, involved in “Good morning city” bribery scandal.

On the other hand, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Song Kwang-su, said in a press interview, “Those who are investigated can possibly complain about the investigation, so we will not mind that” in response to Cheong Wa Dae’s expression of regret about the investigation.

Mr. Song also said in his New Year’s speech, “We have to focus on finding the truth and realizing justice and exclude any consideration that is not concerned with examining the substance, especially when the rule of law and transparent and fair exercise of the prosecution’s rights, are desperately needed.”

Wi-Yong Jung viyonz@donga.com